
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

my little GirL Nurul Aina Bt Muhamad Fasha

Inilah ibu Nurul Aina, my youngest sister.Besz nyer ade anak, kan?
Geram aku tengok si comel Aina nih.
Sampaikan 1 hari tuh, aku termimpi2 kan dia.
Alalalalala..... tengok, auntie dah mimpikan Aina.
Petanda baik tu.hehehehe....
Moge2 doa auntie nie termakbul.

Is Your Hobby Worth It?

A cigarette here, a new gadget there, .... it all adds up. Trouble is, you know it but justify the splurge by calling it your one indulgence. We tally the average cost for you.

cost per pack RM6.50
Addiction : Daily
Cost per week: RM45.50
Cost per month: RM182.00
Cost Per year: RM2,184.00

Cost per cover charge: RM25.00
Addiction: Weekly
Cost per month: RM100.00
Cost per year: RM1,200.00

Cost per coktail: RM25.00
Addiction: Four per month
Cost per month: RM100.00
Cost per year: RM1200.00 

When we talk about hobby, it should be thinking in a positive way like sewing, fishing, cooking, internet surfing etc, as long as it does not bring us to a negative actions.... 
Me myself also sometimes use word of hobby in a negative way like > shopping.....
If overdoing it that's mean we are not spend our money wisely.... 
Just remember > " It is hard to saving our money but it is easy to spend it"....

 * info from mag FEMALE APRIL 2005

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This is liFe...

My hubby demam hari ni... Kesian dia... Dahlah aku on morning shift, I cant be by his side.... 
Sedih nya.... Kena kerja lah... So, terpaksa lah hubby be alone at home, what to do kan? 
8 jam kerja, rasanya bagai berhari-hari bekerja, mana tak nya, risaukan hubby yang tak sihat di rumah...
Nak bawa ke klinik, dia tak nak... Begitulah, kalau tiap kali dia demam, memang payah nak di ajak ke klinik... 

Herm... Terkadang terfikirkan nasib kita sebagai manusia, ada masanya kita sakit, ada masanya kita sihat, ada masanya kita kaya, ada masanya kita miskin...... Semuanya tidak dapat dianggap mudah kerana bila terjadinya sesuatu yang buruk itu, barulah kita akan menyesalinya... Padahal, kita sendiri telah mengetahui, bahawa, sesal selalunya akan datang kemudian....
Di saat senang, hargailah segala kesenangan, sebelum ditimpa kesusahan...

Diharap, apa yang tejadi di dalam rumahtangga kami, aku akan berupaya menghadapinya dengan tenang... 